A Woman Saved

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Greetings Female Christian Writers!

Thank you for sending your best work.  Normally, you can expect to receive a reply within one month.  If it is over one month, it may be that your submission is good but we cannot find a place for it or we are still deciding on it.   Stay encouraged if your submission is not chosen.  Do not give up if it is your dream to write.  Writers are persistent people. (Off during the holiday season.)


Best Word Document Format: 
  • Header: Title, First and Last Name, Email, # of Words
  • Body: Single-spaced, 12pt. Arial Font 
  • Paragraphs:  No need to indent the first line.
  • Footer:  Optional Biography
  • All work must be original and use KJV only when quoting scripture because it is public domain.
Some of the Benefits:
  • Possible magazine cover highlight of your article
  • Your article shared by author name on social media
  • Readers can read your article freely online
  • National contest opportunities at the end of the year (Fee involved)
Please do not:
  • Insert a link into your article unless it is a fully typed URL.
  • "Mention a scripture" or link to a scripture rather than type it out entirely.
  • Send submissions with higher or lower word counts than specified.
  • Send submissions that have the same errors that we may have fixed previously in an accepted, in-house-edited piece.
  • Send submissions that do not follow the guidelines above or below.

Tips to Increase Your Acceptance Chances:

Have you read the magazine? Visit all these:  

  1. Homepage (Read some articles to get to know the doctrinal expositions and leave comments.)
  2. About  (Get to know the magazine.)
  3. Free Download (Download it.)
  4. What are "exclusive" and "non-exclusive" rights?
  5. Follow the guidelines.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Submission Window for the Online Cover Issue:

SPRING/SUMMER: From the first week of August to the first week of February
AUTUMN/WINTER: From the first week of March to the first week of July

If you do not see the guidelines BELOW, click More to open it.

A Woman Saved